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Monday, August 9, 2010

Successful Career Services Week!

From August 2 through August 6 during the lunch hour, under the leadership of Director of Career Services Marc Scoleri, the Gallery was filled with great ideas and great speakers to help jump start students' careers.

On Monday, Regina Pokidaylo spoke about Fashion Week.
On Tuesday, Donna Holder introduced a speaker who showcased internship opportunities at MTV.
On Wednesday, Marifrances Boccia introduced Joey Kilrain, an Ai Philadelphia alumnus who is a self-employed Graphic Designer.
On Thursday, Donny Bridgemohan presented a graduate of Ai Atlanta who is the founder and Executive Producer for his company, Second Look TV who discussed opportunities for employment at the September Fashion Week.
On Friday, Carmen Reynal and Jason Matthews got down to basics about How to Get a Job!

Each quarter, attendance at Career Service Weeks increase, because students find the information valuable and entertainingly presented.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that I would like to see here is a listing of the job ratio that the school has. How many of your students are becoming gainfully employed and not defaulting on their students loans once they have graduated and what kinds of services do you have for your students after graduation to help them not only look for jobs but network? Any place I can look up actual numbers online? Do you even publish these figures? Would the State have them?
