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Friday, March 19, 2010

Alpha Channel - Best Student Films of the Quarter!

Alpha Channel was shown in the gallery on March 18, with instructor Ross Williams taking the lead.

According to Digital Filmmaking Department Chair Eve Okupniak, "The work shown in this quarter's Alpha Channel was amazing. I am using amazing for it's literal definition, 'causing great surprise or sudden wonder.' Some bachelor level institutions do not deliver a program with as much poetry, humor and sense of human consciousness. In all honesty, most student programs are hit or miss with their audience. People will clap because they have a relationship with the filmmaker or polite society says that is what you have to do. Everyone honored the films tonight because people connected with the stories, in one way or another. My mother always said to me, 'Consider your audience.' These films covered a variety of emotions and topics. There was something for everyone."

The award for Best in Show went to Jenny Sirimis for Your Death My Life.

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